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Up to 6 channels Standard guidelines UNI 4150-3, DIN45669-1, UNI 9916 24 bit multichannel sampling 10Hz - 10Khz sample rate Dynamic &ge: 135dB Bandwidth DC - 4 kHz Continuous and/or triggered recording Built-in calibration function 64 Gb internal memory Seismometers and/or accelerometers connection
Multichannel Seismic Recorder Up to 48 channels Standard guidelines UNI 4150-3, DIN45669-1, UNI 9916 24 bit multihannel sampling 10Hz - 10Khz sample rate Bandwidth DC - 4 kHz Continuos and/or triggered recording Built-in calibration function From 2 up 32 Gb internal SD memory Seismometers and/or accelerometers connection
The kit includes everything necessary to perform very high resolution (24-bit resolution) geoelectric surveys through the multi-electrode method in multichannel mode, which drastically reduces the recording time in 3D studies. The instrument can manage 48 electrodes without using expansion boxes. The kit includes everything necessary for V.E.S. Surveys...
The kit includes everything necessary to carry out geoelectrical surveys with V.H.R. (Very high resolution - resolution: 24 bit) multielectrode in multichannel mode that allows to drastically reduce the recording time in 3D surveys. The instrument can manage 72 electrodes without using expansion boxes. The kit also includes all accessories and data...
The kit includes everything necessary to carry out geoelectrical surveys with V.H.R. (Very high resolution - resolution: 24 bit) multielectrode in multichannel mode that allows to drastically reduce the recording time in 3D surveys. The instrument can manage 96 electrodes without using expansion boxes. The kit also includes all accessories and data...
AFB Force Balance Accelerometers are high- sensitivity, low noise sensors designed for use in seismic and low level, low frequency motion studies. The accelerometers are self-contained and provide a high level, low impedance output. No signal conditioning is required in most applications. These sensors utilize low noise electronics in conjunction with the...
Micro Seismic Recorder High resolution integrated unit 24 bit sampling Dynamic >130db Fulfills standards DIN45669, DIN4150-3-1 and UNI9916 "
Complete Equipment for Cross-Hole P, SV and SH Waves Velocity Surveys on Land, Rock and Concrete
Direction and inclination of the horizontal and vertical slots Wireless Link Body carbon 23 mm diameter Immediate results
CTS120 is a probe to measure in soils, length: 120 cm, which allows to carry out practical and quick measurements of thermal conductivity (or thermal resistivity) in the medium in which it is inserted at a precise level.
Water level indicator with temperature sensor and down-hole indicator.
Horizontal geophone 4.5 Hz with 1 mt cable, level bubble, double clip or split-spring (single spring) connector available upon request.
Onset's Jess Frackelton discusses Onset's full range of HOBO data loggers for building performance and environmental monitoring.
DISCONTINUED Analyses Hemispherical Images Calculates canopy structure parameters and solar radiation indices Predicts radiation levels beneath canopy The HemiView canopy image analysis system provides the hardware and software needed to acquire and analyse hemispherical images of forest canopies and woodland canopies.
Model FRT-50 - Water Level Indicator With Temperature Sensor and Bottom-Hole Indicator