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A wide spectrum of PAM chlorophyll fluorometers is available for non-intrusive assessment of photosynthesis from single cells to whole leaves.
All of these instruments employ the so-called “Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation” (PAM) measuring principle, which is unique in providing a selective measure of the relative chlorophyll fluorescence quantum yiel...

A wide spectrum of PAM chlorophyll fluorometers is available for non-intrusive assessment of photosynthesis from single cells to whole leaves.
All of these instruments employ the so-called “Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation” (PAM) measuring principle, which is unique in providing a selective measure of the relative chlorophyll fluorescence quantum yield.
With the help of the “Saturation Pulse Method”, the quantum yield of photosynthetic energy conversion is derived.

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Showing 25 - 28 of 28 items
Showing 25 - 28 of 28 items