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A wide spectrum of PAM chlorophyll fluorometers is available for non-intrusive assessment of photosynthesis from single cells to whole leaves.
All of these instruments employ the so-called “Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation” (PAM) measuring principle, which is unique in providing a selective measure of the relative chlorophyll fluorescence quantum yiel...
A wide spectrum of PAM chlorophyll fluorometers is available for non-intrusive assessment of photosynthesis from single cells to whole leaves.
All of these instruments employ the so-called “Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation” (PAM) measuring principle, which is unique in providing a selective measure of the relative chlorophyll fluorescence quantum yield.
With the help of the “Saturation Pulse Method”, the quantum yield of photosynthetic energy conversion is derived.
Custom FluorCams are complex multispectral imaging systems that are manufactured to very specific customer needs. They achieve all the capabilities and characteristics of standard FluorCams. Additionally, other imaging and scoring units can be incorporated into the system, such as an RGB camera for true color analysis or thermal imaging for sheet surface...
The PAM-CONTROL unit conducts PAM fluorescence measurements independently but it also acts as interface between fluorometer and a Windows computer running the version 2 or 3 of the WinControl software.
◆ Small hand-held device◆ Integral fibre optic probe◆ Accurate Fv/Fm and OJIP analysis◆ Colour graphic display◆ Large integral data storage◆ Cost effective
◆ Excellent sensitivity provided by Image Intensifier.◆ Advanced software for data postprocessing - FluorCam SW.◆ Inbox controlled illumination for sample preview.◆ Lightproof box.◆ Replaceable lens allows adapting the field of view for different application.◆ Easy operation