P37AB147 Sonda para Calidad de Aire CO & CO2 View larger

P37AB147 Sonda para Calidad de Aire CO & CO2


SENSECA (Delta Ohm)


Sonda para Calidad de Aire CO & CO2

AlphaOmega-Electronics dispone de los mejores Sensores y a los mejores precios.

La Sonda Combinada P37AB147 mide: temperatura, humedad relativa, presión atmosférica, CO2 (Dióxido de Carbono) y CO (Monóxido de Carbono).
Completa con módulo SICRAM.

Dimensiones de la sonda: 275mm x 45mm x 40mm. Cable de conexión de 2m.

Aplicaciones típicas con el instrumento y la sonda mencionada arriba son:
- Measure IAQ and comfort conditions in schools, offices and indoor.
- Analysis and study of sick building syndrome (Sick Building Syndrome) and
- Verification of HVAC system.
- Investigation of IAQ conditions in factories to optimize the microclimate and improve
- Audits in Building Automation.

P37B147 Sensor de CO Dióxido de Carbono :
Sensor NDIR Dual Wavelength

Measurement range 0 … 5000ppm
Sensor working range -5 … 50°C
Accuracy ±50ppm+3% of measurement
Resolution 1ppm
Temperature dependence 0.1%f.s./°C
Response time (T90) < 120 sec (air speed = 2m/sec)

P37AB147Sensor de CO  Monóxido de Carbono:
Sensor Electrochemical cell

Measurement range 0 … 500ppm
Sensor working range -5 … 50°C
Accuracy ±3ppm+3% of measurement
Resolution 1ppm
Response time (T90) < 50 sec
Long-term stability 5% of measurement/year
Service life > 5 years in normal environment conditions
Long-term stability 5% of measurement/5 years

Humedad Relativa:
Type of sensor Capacitive

Sensor protection Stainless steel grid filter (on request 20μm sintered filter
P6 in AISI 316 or 10μm sintered filter P7 in PTFE)
Measurement range 0 … 100 % RH
Sensor working range -20 … +60°C
Accuracy ±2% (10÷90% RH) ±2.5% in the remaining range
Resolution 0.1°C
Temperature dependence ±2% on all temperature range
Hysteresis and repeatability 1% RH
Response time (T90) < 20 sec (air speed = 2m/sec) without filter
Long-term stability 1%/year

Type of sensor: NTC 10 KOhm

Measurement range -20 … +60°C
Accuracy ±0.2°C ±0.15% of measurement
Resolution 0.1°C
Response time (T90) < 30 sec (air speed = 2m/sec)
Long-term stability 0.1°C/year

Presión Atmosférica Patm:
Type of sensor Piezo-resistive

Measurement range 750 … 1100 hPa
Accuracy ±1.5 hPa @ 25°C
Resolution 1 hPa
Long-term stability 2hPa/year
Temperature drift ±3hPa with temperature -20 … +60°C

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