USEA Amplificador para sensores con salidas bajas en mV ó µV


EME Systems


Volume discounts

Quantidade Preço
(Imposto Excluido)
1+ 199,00 € 0%
5+ 193,03 € 3%
10+ 187,06 € 6%
15+ 181,09 € 9%

199,00 €

Imposto Excluido

O Sensor mede: mV, Vdc, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA
Sinal de Saída: mV
Energía: 2,5 Vdc
Sensor para uso em: Interior
  • Amplificador Universal USEA: amplifica señales DC de sensores con salidas bajas en mV ó µV.
  • Entrada µV ó mV: Salida amplificada para adecuarlo al rango de entrada del registrador.
  • Factor de amplificación seleccionable por micro-switch: x2,5, 10, 1520, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500.
  • No requiere alimentación externa si es conectado a un registrador HOBO (especificar USEA/HOBO).
  • Salida para canal externo de HOBO (0 - 2,5Vdc).

The Universal Single Ended Amplifier (USEA) is a two stage non-inverting amplifier, voltage input to voltage output.
It is optimized for amplification of low-level DC signals from transducers/ sensors.
Two internal jumper blocks that allow the user to select any one of ten gain settings ranging from X2 to X1500.
Especificar la ganancia requerida.

OPCIONES USEA (Especificar en Accesorios Opcionales):

USEA: Padrão USEA com caixa de policarbonato e dois chassis diretos.
USEA/HOBO: Use com gravadores de início HOBO; Alimentado pela bateria interna de 2,5 V do HOBO
USEA/offset: ajuste de deslocamento para o valor de milivolt (especificar)

  • Alimentación: 5 a 18 Voltios DC o desde la pila interna del Registrador HOBO (especificar /HOBO en Accesorios Opcionales)
  • Consumo de Corriente: menor de 2 mA
  • Supply Voltage variation effect: less than 0.01% per Volt
  • Temperature variation effect: less than 0.01% per ºC
  • Fixed input offset voltage: less than 10 microvolts.
  • Optional input offset adjustment: 0 to +30 millivolts referred to the input.
  • Minimum saturation output voltage: 0.01 volt
  • Maximum output voltage: Supply-2 volts
  • Available Gain Settings : 2,5,10,1520,50,100, (selección por medio de micro-switch), 200,500,1000,1500 and continuous adjustment between these settings.
  • Gain accuracy of setting ordered from the factory, +/- 0.1%
  • Gain accuracy of other jumper settings, +/- 1%
  • Output impedance: 1000 ohms
  • Input impedance: Greater than 10 Mohms
  • Zener anti-zap protection at the input.
  • Response time: <10ms for 90%fs step.
  • Enclosure: 2' x 2.5' x 1.4' NEMA 4 Polycarbonate
  • Temperature, -25 to +70 degrees Celsius
  • Gland nuts for cable entry, optional BNC input connector.

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