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Estos precios se entienden sin IVA
Grupo 3
Cantidad | Precio (sin IVA) |
Descuento % |
1+ | 168,00 € | 0% |
5+ | 162,96 € | 3% |
10+ | 157,92 € | 6% |
15+ | 152,88 € | 9% |
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T-CON-ACT-150T-CON-ACT-150 Transductor de Voltaje ConLabACT-SV para entradaVac y salida 4-20 mA
Transformador Auto-alimentado de 0-150 volts para monitorización de voltaje AC senoidal monofase.
Requiere cable de entrada para uso con registradores U12 & UX120.
Can be plugged directly into the external input jacks of U12 and ZW Family loggers to expand the range of measurement options and applications.
The T-CON-ACT-300 Sensor is for use in Indoor environments
The T-CON-ACT-300 Sensor supports the following measurements: Voltaje Ac
Nota: No CE compliant
Notes: Because these sensors tie directly into the line, they should be used only by qualified personnel.