BHW-PRO Software HOBOWare Windows®/Mac




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Windows  Download HOBOware para Windows 254MB

Macintosh Download HOBOware para Mac 153MB

112,00 €

sin IVA

Potente, intuitivo, único en su clase: pon tus datos en uso productivo con el software HOBOware® Pro
Traza o exporta datos a hojas de cálculo para realizar el análisis necesario para tu proyecto.HOBOware® Pro es fácil de configurar y su interfaz intuitiva para apuntar y hacer clic lo hace fácil de ejecutar.
Esta aplicación de registro de datos es compatible con todos los registradores de datos HOBO y los nodos de datos inalámbricos.

Características destacadas

Software potente para la gestión de registradores, gráficos de datos, análisis de datos y exportación de datos
Los asistentes de datos y los complementos de alarma en tiempo real proporcionan análisis de datos, monitoreo y notificaciones avanzados.
Compatible con Mac y Windows (ver requisitos del sistema)

  • Comparación:
HOBOware Pro vs. HOBOware (Free)
Features Pro Free Description
Logger Support      
Support for HOBO U-Series Loggers
Launch, Readout, Status, Export, etc...
Support for HOBO RX3000 Series Loggers
Initial setup of WiFi or Ethernet units
Support for HOBO U30 & H21 Weather Station, HOBO Micro Station, and the HOBO Energy Logger
Launch, Readout, Status, Export, Data Assistants etc...
Support for HOBO Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen and Water Level Loggers
Launch, Readout, Status, Export, Data Assistants etc...
Configure HOBO FlexSmart modules
Configure Modules for H22 Energy Logger or U30 Station
Support for HOBO U-Shuttle and HOBO Waterproof Shuttle
A data shuttle is a pocket-sized device that can be used to offload/restart multiple data loggers and transport the data back to a personal computer, allowing the loggers to stay in place for continuous monitoring/recording
File support for HOBO H-Series Loggers
Open a .DTF BoxCar file
Multi-Language Support
English (United States), Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese (China), French (France), German (Germany), Japanese (Japan), Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish (Spain), Korean (South Korea)
Firmware Upgrade Tool
Automatically detects when a new firmware file is available for UX series data loggers and walks you through the update process.
Set Up/Launch
Launch supported loggers
To set up a logger to record data, you must specify several parameters and launch, or start, the logger.
Launch time-saving options
By default, HOBOware Pro displays the Launch window when you initiate a launch. If you want to skip the launch window and launch the logger with the default settings, choose Automatically launch. This is particularly useful if you want to launch many loggers quickly without changing any settings
Check Logger Status and view current readings
The Status window displays the current status of the logger
Filters to extract key series information at Launch
As part of the launch setup, you can create a filtered series that automatically calculates additional values, such as maximum, minimum, average, or total, for a set interval upon readout of the logger. This saves you the time of manually filtering data for each series after readout.
Scaling at Launch
Scaling allow you to convert raw logger data to measurement units. Linear, and Pulse scaling are avaiable from the Launch Screen
Readout and open-file time-saving options
This feature allows you to skip a number of default actions when reading out a logger (such as being prompted to saving or the Plot Setup window).
Save (Project) Changes
A project file (.hproj) is a plot that you have customized using the various features and tools of HOBOware. When you open a project file, the plot appears as it did when you saved the project file, and contains all of the same data
Export & Import
Export Preferences
Easily Customize you Date and Time format, File Type and other format options
Export to directly to a .CSV, .TXT or .XLS (Excel) format
Export Dataset to a CSV, TXT or XLS file
Bulk Export Tool
  The Bulk Export Tool is a plug-in tool for HOBOware Pro that exports HOBOware files to text or Microsoft Excel format for use in other programs. This tool is particularly helpful when you need to export multiple files at once
Import Text Data
All one to import and graph non-HOBOware data in certain text files
Copy Graph to Clipboard
This features allows you to copy your graph so it can be used in other programs such a Power Point or Word for presentations.
Graphing Analysis
Easily display the recorded data series in a Plot
Setting Properties
This allow you to set your Preference for Series, Axis & Plots.
Graph Labels
You can add multiple labels to a graph to identify specific points or call attention to a region of the graph
Zooming, Panning, and Smart Scaling Plots
You can adjust the viewing area of the plot by zooming, panning, and smart scaling
Pie Charts
Pie charts for loggers with state series that you can view, print, and save as .png files for additional analysis beyond line graphs. This is especially helpful for light and occupancy data from UX90-005x and -006x loggers
Copy a Series
This allows you to Copy a series from one plot to another. This also allows you to combine synchronous and asynchronous data sets.
Overlaying a series
This allows you to compare data with different time axis
Cropping a series
This feature allows you to remove data from a series by changing the time frame. You can crop one or multiple series in a plot
Merging data files
This feature allows you to combine multiple datafiles from a deployment into one file. Note that only series of the same type and name can be merged and there cannot be an overlap in the time in the series
Filters to extract key series information
A filter allows you to calculate additional values, such as maximum, minimum, average, or total, over a time frame. For example, one can calculate the Total On Time per Hour or Day.
Subset Statistics Tool
The Subset Statistics feature allows you to select a range of data in a graph, and display the maximum, minimum, average and standard deviation for the measurements in that range
Dissolved Oxygen Data Assistant
This corrects for measurement drift from fouling and provides salinity-adjusted DO concentration as well as percent saturation data
Conductivity Data Assistant
This provides easy conversion to specific conductance and salinity and enables start/end-point calibration to compensate for any fouling
Growing Degree Days Data Assistant
Growing Degree Days is a measurement of growth potential given historical temperature data. It can be a measure of crop or pest maturity, given the input parameters
Grains Per Pound Data Assistant
Also known as Humidity Ratio or Mixing Ratio, Grains Per Pound is a measure of the mass in grains of H2O in otherwise dry air
Barometric Compensation Data Assistant
The Barometric Compensation Assistant compensates water level measurements for barometric pressure using HOBOware or text barometric files
Linear Scaling Data Assistant
Linear scaling allows you to convert raw logger data to measurement units
Pulse Scaling Data Assistant
Pulse scaling allows you to convert data recorded from a third-party pulse output sensor to the actual measurement units
kWh Assistant
The kWh Assistant converts logged pulse to kWh, average kW, and energy cost with WattNode, Veris, or other energy transducers
21 CFR Part 11 Compliance
This document explains Onset's position on 21 CFR
HOBOnode Manager for ZW Data Nodes
HOBOnode Manager is the software tool within HOBOware Pro for setting up and managing a ZW wireless data network, which consists of a receiver, data nodes, and router nodes
Logging and Connection Intervals
You have the ability to adjust the recording & connection intervals with 1 minute being the quickest
Labels can be applied to Data Nodes and individual sensors for easier data management
Group Labels can be applied to Data Nodes for easier data management when Exporting & Plotting the recorded data.
Scaling allow you to convert raw logger data to measurement units for 3rd party sensors
Real-Time Plots
In the plots window, you can view sensor data in real-time plots
Device table
The Device Table displays information about the receiver and each node and configured sensor in your network including labels, battery status, signal strength, the latest measurment & alarm status
Network Map
Place icons on the Network Map to help you keep track of your devices. You can expand Information Balloons on the device to view status information and sensor readings. You can also import a custom background image, such as a floor plan
There are two types of alarms in HOBOnode Manager: sensor alarms and system alarms. With sensor alarms, you can set an alarm to trip when a sensor reading is out of a range you specify. With system alarms, you can set an alarm to trip when a node is missing from the network or has a low battery
Plotting & Export Data
Using the Plot/Export Wireless Data capability, you can plot data directly in HOBOware or you can export it to a text or .csv file to open in another program for further analysis. You can pinpoint the exact data you wish to plot or export, allowing you to view data from current and/or previous network deployments, • specific data nodes, a subset of certain sensors from selected data nodes, groups of data nodes as configured in HOBOnode Manager and a specific date range or timeframe
Automated Data Delivery
With data delivery, you can automatically save recorded sensor data from nodes in your network to a single .txt, .csv, or .xls file on a regular schedule. This allows you to store data from your current data node network deployment for future reference and analysis or access data remotely when you are away from the network by sending it automatically to a FTP site, email address or a Network drive on your Local Area Network.
HOBOnode Viewer
You can view plots and data from your HOBO data node network on your Local Area Network with HOBOnode Viewer
  • Requisitos del sistema:

- PC: Windows 8 y 8.1 (Core, Pro), Windows 7 (Pro, Ultimate y Home Premium), Windows 10 (Home, Pro). HOBOware no está certificado para ejecutarse en versiones Enterprise de ninguna versión de Windows y no está certificado para ejecutarse en versiones Server de Windows.
- Mac: OS X versión 10.11.4+ y macOS versiones 10.12 y 10.13.
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.8.0_121 y superior (32 bits o 64 bits en Windows).
- Uno de los siguientes navegadores de Internet: la versión más reciente de Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Firefox o Google Chrome.
- Resolución mínima de pantalla de 1024x768. Resolución de pantalla recomendada de 1280x800 o superior, especialmente para usuarios que no están en inglés.
- 256+ colores
- Velocidad del procesador, memoria y espacio en disco.

High End Mid Range Low End Lowest End
CPU 2.9 GHz
dual core
2.0 GHz
dual core
1.8 GHz
single core
1.8 GHz
single core
RAM 3 GB 2 GB 1.5 GB 1 GB
Disk Space
* see note
100 GB+ 50 GB+ 20 GB+ 300 MB
User Model 4 3 2 1

La fila de usuario del modelo sugiere algunas pautas para el uso de la velocidad del procesador y la tabla de memoria:

Modelo de usuario 1: solo se utilizan los registradores de datos HOBO, sin nodos de datos: usuario de escritorio tradicional
Modelo de usuario 2: uso de registradores de datos HOBO y hasta 5 nodos de datos, 20 sensores
Modelo de usuario 3: uso de registradores de datos HOBO y hasta 50 nodos de datos, 100 sensores
Modelo de usuario 4: uso de registradores de datos HOBO y hasta 100 nodos de datos, 200 sensores

* Espacio en disco: la definición de los requisitos de espacio en disco para HOBOware depende del uso propuesto. La tabla anterior describe el espacio en disco necesario para un usuario de escritorio tradicional, lo que permite la instalación del programa y el almacenamiento de archivos de datos. Para los usuarios de nodos de datos HOBO, los requisitos de espacio dependen de una variedad de factores, que incluyen el número de nodos, el número de sensores, la frecuencia de muestreo de datos, la longevidad de las implementaciones y otros factores.

  • Conductividad:

El asistente de conductividad proporciona una conversión fácil a conductancia y salinidad específicas y permite la calibración del punto de inicio / final para compensar cualquier contaminación. Disponible para descarga gratuita.

  • La creciente grados día:

La creciente grados día es una medida del potencial de crecimiento dado los datos históricos de temperatura. Puede ser una medida de la madurez del cultivo o la plaga, dados los parámetros de entrada. Disponible para descarga gratuita.

  • Granos por libra (granos por libra):

También conocido como Relación de humedad o Proporción de mezcla, Granos por libra es una medida de la masa en granos de H2O en aire seco. Disponible para descarga gratuita.

  • Compensación barométrica:

El Asistente de Compensación Barométrica compensó las mediciones de nivel de agua para la presión barométrica usando HOBOware o archivos barométricos de texto. Disponible para descarga gratuita.

  • Escalas Lineales:

La escala lineal le permite convertir los datos del registrador en bruto a unidades de medida o para calibrar las lecturas del sensor. Se ingresan dos valores sin procesar y los valores de medición correspondientes para obtener la relación de escala lineal. Esto es útil para sensores de terceros que emiten voltaje o corriente, así como para la calibración de los sensores de humedad de la hoja y humedad del suelo. Disponible para descarga gratuita.

  • Escalas de Pulsos:

La escala de impulsos le permite convertir los datos registrados desde un sensor de salida de impulsos de terceros a las unidades de medición reales. Esto es útil para pluviómetros de terceros, medidores de flujo, etc. Disponible para descarga gratuita.

  • Asistentes de kWh:

El Asistente de kWh utiliza una serie de impulsos para producir uno o más de los siguientes: Energía utilizada por intervalo (en kWh), Potencia media por intervalo (en kW) y Coste de uso. El asistente requiere el conocimiento del tipo de Transductor de energía y Transformador de corriente (CT) utilizado. Disponible para descarga gratuita.

Loggers Compatibles

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