KL-730 Biomedical Measurement Training System




This equipment is designed for students to learn how to design specific measuring circuits and detect the basic physiological signals with practical operation.

Moreover, students can understand electrical characteristics of sensor and transducer explicitly after completing the experiments we provided.

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Category Biomedicine

This equipment is designed for students to learn how to design specific measuring circuits and detect the basic physiological signals with practical operation.

Moreover, students can understand electrical characteristics of sensor and transducer explicitly after completing the experiments we provided.

  • KL-730 contains twelve modules, including Electrocardiogram Measurement, Electromyogram Measurement, Electrooculogram Measurement, Electroencephalogram Measurement, Blood Pressure Measurement, Photoplethysmogram Measurement, Respiratory Ventilation Detection, Pulse Meter, Body Impedance Detection, Doppler Ultrasound Blood Velocity, TENS and Respiration Flow / Vital Capacity Meter.
  • The sensors and transducers used in this equipment include pressure transducer, infrared photocoupler, strain gauge, temperature sensor, surface electrode, dual element transducer and pneumotach transducer.
  • Each module has many test points for changing the frequency bandwidth and amplifier gain. Thus students can understand the correlation between physiological signal and each circuit stage.

IT IS NOT A MEDICAL EQUIPMENT nor does it comply with characteristics for use in living beings in a professional manner.

KL-75001 Electrocardiogram ECG Module
1. HPF Characteristic Experiment
2. Amplifier Experiment
3. LPF Characteristic Experiment
4. BRF Characteristic Experiment
5. ECG Simulator Experiment (Optional)
6. ECG Experiment

KL-75002 Electromyogram EMG Module
1.   BRF Characteristic Experiment
2.   LPF Characteristic Experiment
3.   Gain Amplifier Experiment
4.   HPF Characteristic Experiment
5.   Half-Wave Rectifier Characteristic Experiment
6.   Integrator Characteristic Experiment
7.   EMG Experiment

KL-75003 Electrooculogram EOG Module
1. Horizontal & Vertical Electro Circuit Calibration Experiment
2. BRF Characteristic Experiment
3. HPF Characteristic Experiment
4. Amplifier Experiment
5. LPF Characteristic Experiment
6. EOG Experiment

KL-75004 Electroencephalogram EEG Module
1. Pre-Amplifier Calibration Experiment
2. BRF Characteristic Experiment
3. HPF Characteristic Experiment
4. Amplifier Experiment
5. LPF Characteristic Experiment
6. EEG Experiment

KL-75005 Blood Pressure Measurement Module
1. Pressure Sensor Calibration Experiment
2. HPF1 Characteristic Experiment
3. LPF Characteristic Experiment
4. HPF2 & Amplifier Characteristic Experiment
5. Rectifier Characteristic Experiment
6. Auscultatory Blood Pressure measurement Experiment
7. Oscillometric Blood Pressure Measurement Experiment

KL-75006 Photoplethysmogram Module
1. Infrared Photocoupler Calibration Experiment
2. HPF Characteristic Experiment
3. Gain Amplifier Experiment
4. 4th-order LPF Characteristic Experiment
5. Differentiator Experiment
6. Amplifier Experiment
7. Comparator Experiment
8. Monostable Multivibrator Experiment
9. Photoplethysmogram Measurement Experiment

KL-75007 Respiratory Ventilation Module
1. Differential Amplifier Calibration Experiment
2. BRF Characteristic Experiment
3. Amplifier Experiment
4. Differentiator Experiment
5. Hysteresis Comparator Experiment
6. Monostable Multivibrator Experiment
7. Respiratory Ventilation Detection Experiment

KL-75008 Pulse Meter Module
1. Strain Gauge Amplifier Calibration Experiment
2. HPF Characteristic Experiment
3. BRF Characteristic Experiment
4. Gain Amplifier Experiment
5. LPF Characteristic Experiment
6. Hysteresis Comparator Experiment
7. Monostable Multivibrator Experiment
8. Pulse Meter Experiment
9. Arterial Vessel Experiment

KL-75009 Impedance Module  (People with cardiac pacemaker must avoid using this)
1. Pre-Amplifier Calibration Experiment
2. BRF Characteristic Experiment
3. Wien-Bridge Oscillator Experiment
4. HPF Characteristic Experiment
5. Demodulator Experiment
6. Gain Amplifier Experiment
7. LPF Characteristic Experiment
8. Impedance Detection Experiment

KL-75010 Doppler Ultrasound Blood Velocity Module
1. OSC Experiment
2. Pre-Amplifier Experiment
3. Demodulation Experiment
4. HPF Characteristic Experiment
5. Amplifier Experiment
6. LPF Characteristic Experiment
7. Comparator Experiment
8. Monostable Multivibrator Experiment

KL-75011 TENS Module (People with cardiac pacemaker must avoid using this)
1. 555 Timer-Astable Experiment
2. Transistor Switch Circuit Experiment
3. Transistor Bias Circuit Experiment

KL-75012 Respiration Flow / Vital Capacity Meter Module
1. Hall & Differential Experiment
2. Frequency to Voltage Experiment
3. Comparator Experiment
4. AND Gate Experiment
5. Decade Counter Experiment
6. Decoder Experiment
7. 7-Segment Experiment

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