MC09 Graphical Display Module




MC09 Graphical Display Module helps the user to gain invaluable practical experience of the principles and application of Graphical LCD display in Microcontroller based projects. The object is to connect and program a Microcontroller to display data, images and monitoring. Graphical display module MC09 is generally used in the applications such as temperature monitoring, Industrial automation, outdoor moving sign, video wall and many more. We give a contrast control and backlight control on the module.

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MC09 Graphical Display Module is an ideal platform to enhance education, training, skills & development amongs our young minds.

  • Features:

- 128 x 64 Graphical LCD display interface
- PC based programming
- Expansion connectors for plug in with Microcontroller unit and prototyping area
- Every pin is marked in order to make the work easier
- Input/Output & test points provided on board
- Exhaustive Learning Material
- On Board Contrast and Backlight Control

Study of interfacing graphical LCD

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