Monitoring Pen is an extended version of the popular FluorPen, that offers measurement of equal fluorescence parameters and protocols – Ft, QY, OJIP, NPQ and Light Curve. Due to its robust and weatherproof construction the Monitoring Pen is designed for long-term, unattended monitoring of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in indoor or outdoor experiments, even in challenging environmental conditions in polar regions or under water level.
External battery ensures measurement in term of months or years.
Charging of Monitoring Pen can be also provided with an optional solar panel power supply.
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Availability date:
Type of Instrument | Fluorescence Meter |
The instrument measures: | Chlorophyll Fluorescence |
The Sensor measures: | Fluorescence |
Monitoring Pen is an extended version of the popular FluorPen, that offers measurement of equal fluorescence parameters
and protocols - Ft, QY, OJIP, NPQ and Light Curve. Due to its robust and weatherproof construction the Monitoring Pen is designed
for long-term, unattended monitoring of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in indoor or outdoor experiments, even in rough environmental conditions. Thus it can be effectively used for studying of photosynthetic performance in naturally changing environmental conditions, stress detection, herbicide testing, or growth performance monitoring in controlled and field conditions.
External battery of Monitoring Pen ensures measurement in term of months or years. Charging can be also provided with an optional solar panel power supply. The device features programmable autonomous operation with automated switch ON function, which allows long lasting self-governing battery-powered operation. Measured data are sequentially stored in the internal device memory. Data transfer to a PC is via USB communication. Comprehensive FluorPen 1.1 software provides data transfer routines and many additional features for data presentation in tables and graphs.
Additionally, numerous monitoring units can be linked together and operated from central steering unit, which is linked to data logger and mobile modem for online data transfer (optional).
Ft - continuous fluorescence yield in non-actinic light. Ft is equivalent to F0 if the leaf sample is dark-adapted.
QY - photosystem II Quantum Yield. QY is equivalent to Fv / Fm in the dark-adapted samples and to Fv '/ Fm' in the light-adapted samples.
OJIP - Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction Kinetics. The OJIP curves enable observing major changes that occur during exposure of plants to high irradiance.
NPQ - Non-Photochemical Quenching. The NPQ protocol is the most typically used measuring approach to quantify photochemical and nonphotochemical quenching. The measurement should be performed with a dark-adapted sample.
Light Curve (QY) - Photosystem II Quantum Yield estimated from fluorescence that is measured sequentially in several different light levels.
- FluorPen 1.1 software (Windows 7 or higher compatible)
- Real-time and remote control functions
- Bluetooth and USB communication
- Visualization and data transfer routines to Microsoft Excel (optional)
- GPS mapping
- Photosynthetic performance monitoring
- Long-term environmental monitoring
- Plant screening & field studies
- Stress physiology
- Agriculture & forestry
- Oceanography: coral and seaweed research
Version equipped with metal case and thread for tripod attachment, intended for autonomous use in extreme field conditions.
The device can be controlled manually using two buttons or automatically via the FluorPen software. Final configuration must be consulted prior to order.
Submersible version intended for underwater measuring of fluorescence parameters. Final configuration should always be consulted with PSI prior to order. The device is manufactured in two different versions.
Monitoring Pen MP 100-A/A is intended for maximum water depth up to 2 meters. The device is equipped with two buttons that allow direct operation of the device (even under water) by the user or it can be controled remotely via the FluorPen software.
Monitoring Pen MP 100-A/B can be used in deeper water (maximum 10 m). There are no buttons on the device. This version is intended for remote or automatic measuring; the device control is enabled via commands preprogrammed in a PC (placed on shore). The device is usually fixed in static position under water.
- FluorPen software (exe)
- USB Driver for FluorPen and PAR FluorPen (exe)
Standard Battery Pack (Included with the MP 100)
Standard battery pack is intended for operation within temperature range: +10 ºC / + 40 ºC. It includes: battery case with rechargeable sealed lead acid battery (12Ah) and charger. Operating time: up to 2 years (QY measurement every 1 hour).
Extended Temperature Range Battery Pack (Optional. Price does not vary)
This battery pack is intended for operation within temperature range: -40 ºC / + 60 ºC. It includes: battery case with non-rechargeable Li-SOCl2 battery (5.5Ah). Operating time: up to 2 years (QY measurement every 1 hour).
Spare battery for Battery Pack
Spare battery for extended temperature range battery pack.
Control and Data Unit for Handheld Devices
Small, portable notebook (type according to current availability on the market).
Substitute Set of Serial Cables for the MP 100-E
Substitute serial cables (2 pcs) allowing connection between the MP 100-E device + Battery Pack and between the Battery Pack + PC.
Substitute Set of Serial Cables for the MP 100-A
Substitute serial cables (2 pcs) for underwater use allowing connection between the MP 100-A + Battery Pack and between the Battery Pack + PC.
Mini Tripod
Small (table-top like) tripod holder providing with the flexibility to pick the ideal location for Monitoring Pen readings in a field. Intended for use with MP 100-E.
GPS Module
To record the exact location of the measurements performed by the Monitoring Pen.
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