◆ You can measure temperature, humidity, solar radiation, amount of rain, wind speed, and direction. It stores the measurements in its internal memory (from 128,000 to 440,000 samples depending on the number of quantities detected) and transmits the acquired data by email, via FTP and to an HTTP (Cloud) server. USB output. Optional custom LCD display (option L).
◆ Acoustic alarm with internal buzzer and sending alarms by email and SMS.
◆ Front dimensions 120x122 mm.
Availability date:
-----------------DATA LOGGERS---------------- | Data Acquisition |
Environment of Use | Indoor/Outdoor |
Type of Logger | Multicanal |
Application | Meteorology |
With Display | Optional LCD |
Communications | GSM |
The GSM functions of the data logger can be remotely controlled by sending SMS messages. A direct GPRS TCP / IP connection with a remote PC connected to the Internet is possible.
Power supply 7 ... 30 Vdc. It can be powered by mains, through the power supply unit HD32MT.SWD, or by a solar panel, through the power supply unit HD32WSF.S12.
Five inputs with M12 connector: one for the HP3517TC2 temperature and relative humidity combined probe (in AISI 304, with NTC10KΩ temperature sensor) or alternatively for the TP350NTC2 temperature probe only, one for the pyranometer, one for the rain gauge, one for the HD54 .3 cup anemometer and one for the HD54.D wind vane. It is also possible to connect only some of the probes.
Sensors measuring ranges:
- temperature: -40 ... + 105 ° C
- relative humidity: 0 ... 100% UR
- solar radiation: 0 ... 2000 W / m2
- wind speed: 1 ... 65 m / s
- wind direction: 0 ... 359.9 °
- rainfall: counting of the rain gauge (the resolution depends on the type of rain gauge). A measurement compensation curve as a function of the rainfall rate can be configured.
RH. Sensor operating temperature: -20 ... + 80 ° C. Instrument operating temperature / humidity: -20 ... + 70 ° C / 0 ... 100% RH.
Calculated quantities (depending on the connected probes): dew point, daily solar radiation in Wh / m2 (Wh = watt hour), rainfall rate in mm / h, Wind Chill, Wind Gust.
It can be wall mounted or fixed on to 40 mm diameter mast by means of the HD2003.77/40 clamping (optional).
Optional HD32MT4.6 protection shield from solar radiations.
It includes HD35AP-S software downloadable from Delta OHM web site.
The probes and the USB cable CP23 have to be ordered separately. SIM card not included.
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