Universal PAR Light Meter & Data Logger WALZ
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Originally, we produced PAR-sensors as accessories for our PAM Chlorophyll Fluorometers. Now, we also offer a fast data logger with a high dynamic range and adequate PAR-sensors for independent PAR-measurements or PAR-monitoring.Our data-logger and sensors are capable of resolving the saturating light pulse of PAM Chlorophyll Fluorometers or fast light flecks in nature.
Light Measurement
The main purpose of the ULM-500 is light-measurement. The ULM-500 has two connectors for light sensors with BNC plugs. Typically, PAR sensors and pyranometers are linked to the ULM-500. PAR sensors measure the flux of quanta (unit, μmol m-2 s-1) in the photosynthetically relevant wavelength range, that is, between 400 and 700 nm. Pyranometers detect the power of radiation (unit, W m-2) mostly in a wider spectral range so that solar radiation arriving at the Earth’s surface can be measured. When power of radiation is measured, a flux of short-wavelength (e.g. blue) photon results in a higher signal than the same flux of photons with longer wavelengths (e.g. red) simply because the former flux carries more energy than the latter.
The higher energy in blue than in red photons, however, is unavailable for photosynthesis so that photon fluxes as they are measured by PAR sensors are important for photosynthetic studies. We offer three different PAR-sensors suitable for use in conjunction with the ULM-500.
Dynamic Range
The ULM-500 has 5 sensitivity ranges with fast automatic switching. As a result it has a high dynamic range reaching up to 99 999 μmol m-2 s-1 and may detect signals down to 0.1 μmol m-2 s-1 – even with the smallest sensor we offer. The range-switching can be set to automatic for convenient measurements or to manual for fast time resolution.
Design: Light grey plastic housing with connectors, membrane keyboard and a white illuminated LCD graphic display
Dimensions: 12 x 7.5 x 3.5 cm
Weight: 210 g (including 4 AAA 1.5 V batteries)
Power supply: 4 AAA-type batteries or 5 V DC from USB voltage source when connected to the computer
Working conditions: 35 to 85 % rH (avoid condensation), - 20° to + 50°C ambient temperature
Time resolution: PAR channel #1: 100 samples / second, PAR channel #2 and other channels: 5 samples / second
Operation time: 10 days or ca. 100 days automated logging with sleep mode (1 meas. / 5 min). Unlimited working time via USB connection (PC-software WinControl-3 – no sleep mode)
• Two BNC-connectors for the connection of two PAR-sensors with individual calibration factors between -50.0 and -9999.9 (memory for 10 calibration factors), range switchable in 5 steps 250 nA to 0.6 mA
• Connector for Monitoring Leaf-Clip JUNIOR-B; an adapter is available for the connection of the Leaf-Clip Holder 2030-B, and the Micro Quantum/Temp.-Sensor 2060-M
• Connector for additional digital sensors (still under development)
• USB-Connector for connection with computer (software: WinControl-3)
Memory: Flash memory used as ring buffer for 50000 lines (1 line / single measurement)
Display: White illuminated graphic display with 5 different display modes (1: all data; 2-4: two selected sensors in big letters; 5: chart mode for channel no. 1, with maximum, minimum and average indicated), resolution: 0.1 μmol m-2 s-1
Computer-controlled Operation: 1 free USB socket. Processor, 1 GHz. RAM, 256 MB. Hard disc space, 20 MB. Screen resolution: 800 x 600 pixels. Interface, USB 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0. Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista, Windows 7 and 8.
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