MicroelectrodeTS Microelectrode Test Station


Huber Scientific


A test station for microelectrode measurements down to the µm range at elevated temperatures and changeable gas atmospheres.

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  • Advantages:

- Excellent electric shielding guaranteed in the frequency range of 106 – 10-3 Hz
- High mechanical stability against vibrations or mechanical shocks
- High precision. Micro contacts with a dimension of 2 µm can be contacted without destruction
- Small gas volume. Smaller amount of expensive gases e.g. isotope tracer gases
- Micro contacts can be changed at elevated temperature and in gas atmosphere
- High precision micro-patterned structures of a few microns can be gently contacted within seconds

  • Additional Equipment:

- Mass flow controllers for gas mixtures
- High pressure gas washing bottle for humidity control
- Oxygen gas sensor to monitor the oxygen partial pressure

- Measurement methods: Impedance spectroscopy, current-voltage
- measurments, Van der Pauw measurements
- Minimal Step size: 50 nm
- Vacuum flanges: ISO-KF
- Temperature range: room temperature to 1000 °C / 1200 °C depending on the requested heater
- Up to three piezo controlled + additional four manual adjustable arms
- Sample size: Max 14×14 mm (larger samples possible on request)
- Set-up size: 500×500×500 mm
- Pressure range: 1 bar to 10e-3 mbar