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StellarNet’s high performance RED-Wave-NIRX-SR Spectrometers cover the NIR wavelength range from 900-2200μm in one unit. Are exceptionally robust with no moving parts and are packaged in small rugged metal enclosure (2.75” x 4” x 6”) for portable, processes, and lab applications.
- Resolutions better than 0.05nm!- Increased optical path provides 2x resolutions over regular HR models- UV-VIS and NIR/WDM options- Units are stackable for wide range analysis- Best resolutions available over 800nm- New Product for 2018!
- Resolutions better than 0.1nm- Double the resolution over standard models- UV-VIS and High Resolution NIR options- Units are stackable for wide range analysis- Interchangeable Slit upgrade Options for HR Optics – Now available!
- Resolutions better than 0.1nm- Double the resolution over standard models- UV-VIS and High Resolution NIR options- Units are stackable for wide range analysis- Interchangeable Slit upgrade Options for HR Optics – Now available!
- Dual Detector Super Range (DSR) for measurements from 200-2,300nm- Two instruments work as one updating spectral graph- UV-VIS detector array plus NIR-InGaAs arrays- Options for up to 8 channels- High Speed USB-2 interfaces
StellarCASE-LIBS System Overview- Portable Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) System- The StellarCASE-LIBS includes interior mounting of spectrometer instrumentation pre-configured with no additional setup required- Internal main power control system with ON, OFF, & Charge buttons and an 8 hour battery life for portable field applications-...
StellarCASE-Raman Analyzer Overview:- Rugged Case Raman System for “Open & Measure” Applications- Systems include a high performance Raman spectrometer, High power Laser, and vial holder- SpectraWiz ID Raman Library with Save/Search functionality included FREE. Save your samples and then search for matches!- The StellarCASE-Raman includes interior...
HOBO Weather Station with USB port. (configurable from 5 to 15 channels)
Our Tempo Disc ™ Bluetooth® Low Energy Movement and Shock Sensor Beacon and Data Logger is among the most powerful and versatile sensors and data loggers available on the market today. Designed, developed and manufactured exclusively by Blue Maestro, they achieve world class range, battery life and reliability by utilizing top quality components such as...
Triaxial Economic HOBO Pendant "G" Data Logger for Aceleration & Inclination
Congratulations, you found it!Looking for a small, accurate and cost effective logging solution? Look no further than the Weather Disc ™ Bluetooth Temperature, Humidity and Dew Point Logger and Sensor Beacon! From your iOS or Android smartphone you can see current readings, whether thresholds have been breached, running metrics such as averages, highs and...
Congratulations, you found it!Looking for a small, accurate and cost effective weather station to monitor temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and dew point? Look no further than the Weather Disc ™ Bluetooth Key Ring Weather Station!
Our Weather Disc ™ Bluetooth® Low Energy temperature and humidity sensors and data loggers are among the most powerful and versatile sensors and data loggers available on the market today. Designed, developed and manufactured by Blue Maestro they achieve world class range, battery life and reliability by utilizing top quality components such as the Nordic...
Our Weather Disc ™ Bluetooth® Low Energy temperature and humidity sensors and data loggers are among the most powerful and versatile sensors and data loggers available on the market today. Designed, developed and manufactured by Blue Maestro they achieve world class range, battery life and reliability by utilizing top quality components such as the Nordic...
Congratulations, you found it!Looking for a small, accurate and cost effective logging solution? Look no further than the Weather Disc ™ Bluetooth Temperature Logger and Sensor Beacon!
Our Tempo Disc ™ Bluetooth® Low Energy Push Button Sensor and Data Logger is designed to record and log button push events. Each push of its brightly colored button is logged and timestamped and this log can be accessed by iOS and Android smartphones and internet gateways.
Congratulations, you found it!Looking for an accurate and cost effective waterproof logging solution? Look no further than the Tempo Disc ™ Bluetooth Waterproof Temperature Logger and Sensor Beacon! Weather Disc continuously monitors temperature.
Autoclaves are equipment for sterilizing widelly used in microbiology, medicine, podiatry, tattoing, body piercing, veterinary science, mycology, dentristry, and prosthetics fabrication. They vary in size and function depending on the media to be sterilized.
Kit 10 Holders10 silicone holders for easing mounting of the Tempo Disc ™ range.Protects your Tempo Disc as well as providing a convenient way to get screwed or hung on the wall or alternatively placed on a lanyard.
Tempo Anywhere is an internet gateway for all of Blue Master's Tempo Bluetooth Low Energy sensor sensor and data logging products. Tempo Anywhere scans the data from Tempo Discs using Bluetooth Low Energy and then passes the data over the internet using Wi-Fi or an Ethernet connection to your internet router to the Blue Maestro Cloud. By logging into the...
Congratulations, you found it!Looking for an accurate, long life and cost effective environment logging solution? Look no further than the Pebble ™ Bluetooth Environment Monitor Logger and Sensor Beacon! Pebble continuously monitors temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and dew point.
Digital flow meter.Ultrasonic Flow Meter - RTU/Module
It measures the intensity of backscattered light, it Is a powerful, sophisticated, yet compact and affordable, laser remote sensing system providing continuous, unattended monitoring of the profiles and optical properties of clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere.