TooToo Meditech
The smallest and most exquisite handheld Vital Sign Monitorin the world Parameters: SPO2+NIBP+TEMP, etc. (see models)
TA60V is a state-of-the-art anesthesia machine used in animal hospitals and veterinary clinics.
Integrated oxygen compressor, ventilator, anesthesia and monitor, makes easier surgery operation ◆ Multiple breathing modes: VCV, PCV SPONT, manual and demo◆ Intelligent spontaneous mode avoids breathing confrontation◆ Parameters are calculated automatically by setting weight◆ FiO2 monitoring◆ Time adjustable apena alarm◆ 2 power sockets for monitor,...
► TT2016 Series Biological Microscopes:Standard Achromatic objective: 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x (s, oil) and infinity Achromatic objective: 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x (s), 60x, 100x (s, oil) as option.