28,000 samples. Optional custom LCD display (option L). Two inputs with M12 connector for the rain gauge and the TP350NTC ... temperature probe (with NTC10KΩ sensor).
42,000 samples. Optional custom LCD display (option L). One input with M12 connector for the pyranometer.
28,000 samples. Optional custom LCD display (option L). Two inputs with M12 connector for the pyranometer and the rain gauge.
52,000 samples. Optional custom LCD display (option L). One input with M12 connector for the HP 3510 ... soil volumetric water content and temperature combined probe.
36,000 samples. Optional custom LCD display (option L). Two inputs with M12 connector for the HP3510 ... soil volumetric water content and temperature combined probes.
26,000 samples. Optional custom LCD display (option L). Three inputs with M12 connector for the HP3510 ... soil volumetric water content and temperature combined probes.
30,000 samples. Optional custom LCD display (option L). Three inputs with M12 connector for the wet bulb temperature probe (TP 3501TC2 or TP3204), the globe-thermometer temperature probe (TP 3575TC2 or TP 3576TC2) and the dry bulb temperature probe (TP 3507TC2) for indoor measurements according to ISO 7243. Installation on VTRAP30 tripod (optional).
MODELS:- TP 3501TC2- TP 3204- TP 3507TC2- TP 3575TC2- TP 3576TC2- HP 3517ETC2.2- HP 3517ETC2.5- HP 3517ETC2.10- HD 9007A-3- HD 9007T26.2- HD VTRAP30- HD 32.4.17- HD 2013.2.14- HD 3218K
Allows adding one or more sensors with RS485 Modbus-RTU output (for example an anemometer of the HD52.3D ... series) in the wireless network.
HD 35EDWH Wireless data logger with four terminal header inputs for the connection of:- transmitters with 4 ÷ 20 mA, 0 ÷ 1/0 ÷ 10 V or 0 ÷ 50 mV output- Pt100 / Pt1000 sensors, K, J, T, N, E thermocouples- sensors with voltage free contact output (max one sensor)- potentiometric sensors
36,000 samples. Optional custom LCD display (option L). One input with M12 connector for the rain gauge.
36,000 samples. Optional custom LCD display (option L). One input with M12 connector for the rain gauge.
Housing for indoor, Powered by the PC USB port or external power adapter SWD06 (optional). Supplied with: internal lithium-ion rechargeable battery HD35-BAT1, wall mount support HD35.03, operating manual. The kit HD35.11K (pair of flanges, pin for padlock and padlock) for fixed installation and the external power adapter SWD06 have to be ordered separately.
At AlphaOmega-Electronics you will find the best range of Leaf Wetness Sensor and at the most competitive prices.
The kit includes: 24-column portable thermal printer, serial interfaceRS232, 57mm paper width, four NiMH 1.2V rechargeable batteries, SWD10power supply, instruction manual, 5 thermal paper rolls.
Número de muestras: Mín. = 356,180, Máx. = 906,640 (segundo o número de cantos almacenados). Opcional pantalla LCD personalizada (opção L) ou gráfica (opção G). Una entrada con M12 para a sonda combinada HP3517ETC ... de temperatura e umidade relativa (com sensor de temperatura Pt100). Sensor de presión integrado.
Number of samples: Min = 356,180, Max = 906,640 (depending on the number of stored quantities). Optional custom (option L) or graphical (option G) LCD display. One input with M12 connector for the HP3517TC ... temperature and relative humidity combined probe (with NTC10KΩ temperature sensor). Integrated pressure sensor.
Number of samples: Min = 323,800, Max = 906,640 (depending on the number ofstored quantities). Optional custom (option L) or graphical (option G) LCD display.Fixed vertical temperature and relative humidity combined probe (with NTC10KΩ temperature sensor). Fixed CO2 probe with removable protection filter. Integrated pressure sensor.
◆ Number of samples: Min = 291,420, Max = 906,640 (depending on the number of quantities stored).◆ Optional customized LCD screen (option L) or graphic (option G).◆ Fixed vertical temperature and relative humidity combined probe (with NTC10KΩ temperature sensor).◆ Fixed CO2 probe with removable protection filter. One input with M12 connector for the LP 35...
◆ Number of samples: Min. = 323,800, Max. = 906,640 (according to the number of quantities stored).◆ Optional customized (option L) or graphic (option G) LCD display.◆ Combined vertical temperature and fixed relative humidity probe (with NTC10KΩ temperature sensor). ◆ One input with M12 connector for the LP 35 PHOT illumination probe.◆ Photodiode with...
Number of samples: Min = 388.560, Max = 906.640 (depending on the number of stored quantities). Optional custom (option L) or graphical (option G) LCD display. One input with M12 connector for the HP3517ETC ... temperature and relative humidity combined probe (with Pt100 temperature sensor).
Number of samples: Min = 388.560, Max = 906.640 (depending on the number of stored quantities). Optional custom (option L) or graphical (option G) LCD display. One input with M12 connector for the HP3517TC ... temperature and relative humidity combined probe (with NTC10KΩ temperature sensor).
Number of samples: Min = 388.560, Max = 906.640 (depending on the number of stored quantities). Optional custom (option L) or graphical (option G) LCD display. Fixed vertical probe (with NTC10K temperature sensor).
Number of samples: Min = 356,180, Max = 906,640 (depending on the number of stored quantities).Optional custom (option L) or graphical (option G) LCD display. Fixed vertical temperature and relative humidity combined probe (with NTC10KΩ temperature sensor). Fixed CO2 probe with removable protection filter.