WaveDriver 40 DC Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat includes cell cable, power adapter, USB cable, and dummy test cell. The WaveDriver® series bipotentiostat/galvanostat is an affordable dual-electrode electrochemical workstation available in a variety of configurations.AfterMath® software package controls the WaveDriver 40 DC Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat that is...
E3 Series Fixed-Disk RDE tips featuring a 12.0 mm OD PTFE from Pine Instruments
The standard single junction silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) reference electrode is filled with 4M KCl with AgCl solution. The reference electrode fits through the standard 14/20 ground glass joints found on our standard electrochemical cells. A PTFE sleeve (included) facilitates mounting the reference electrode in the joint. Includes 14/20 PTFE...
It includes a 150 mm long isolation tube and adapter to fit 14/20 port 6.4 mm OD graphite rod, 184.2 mm long.
Pt wire OD = 0.5 mm; approximate surface area = 4.7 cm26.9 mm OD x 150 mm epoxy tube shroudCompatible with our standard electrochemical cells It includes an isolation tube and an adapter to fit 14/20 port 6.9 mm OD epoxy tube shroud, 150 mm long.
WaveDriver® series bipotentiostats/galvanostats are versatile dual-electrode electrochemical workstations available in a variety of configurations. Under control of the powerful AfterMath® software package, the WaveDriver 200 EIS Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat is capable of performing Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) along with a wide variety of...
WaveNow Wireless Potentiostat/Galvanostat Includes power adapter, wireless dongle, and USB cable This newest addition to our WaveNow® potentiostat series lets you enjoy the freedom of controlling your electrochemical experiments wirelessly! The WaveNow Wireless Potentiostat/Galvanostat gives you portability and access to remote lab spaces without creating...
WaveNow® series potentiostats offer a highly portable and powerful alternative to traditional benchtop instruments.Weighing less than 300 grams, the WaveNowxv Potentiostat/Galvanostat features a small form factor and a convenient USB interface.Under the control of our powerful AfterMath® software package, the instrument is capable of performing a wide...
WaveVortex® 10 is a compact research-grade electrode rotator design from Pine Research. With a small footprint, the WaveVortex 10 is the ideal instrument for precision Rotating Disk Electrode (RDE) and Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode (RRDE) experiments in laboratories with space constraints or when working inside a glovebox. The WaveVortex 10 design...