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CIC-560 training system is designed based on the latest digital technology in conjunction with EDA experimental teaching material. This training system consists of FPGA chip with higher logic elements and large number of pins. Therefore, students are able to develop, implement and verify design of basic or advanced digital circuit, digital signal...
CIC-500 is a DSP development system designed for learning DSP hardware implementations. The system combines both DSP chip for signal processing and FPGA chip for I/O control.
Simple, Easy, Fast, and Fun PSoC (Programmable System on a Chip) is one of the most innovative technologies nowadays. Instead of adopting a traditional MCU with fixed peripherals, or designing a circuit with discrete analog and digital components, the designer can select a single off-the-shelf PSoC on a complete project for mixed-signal...
The KL-300 Digital Logic Lab is a comprehensive and self-contained system suitable for anyone engaged in digital logic experiments.
The KL-310 Advanced Digital Logic Lab is designed for students and engineers interested in developing and testing prototype circuits. The lab includes combinational logic, sequential logic, memory, ADC/DAC. experiment circuits and offers several application circuits (PWM, timer, motor control..etc.).
- The ETS-8000A is a basic digital logic circuit training system with CE Certificate.- It includes combinational logic and sequential logic experiment circuits.- The course content of experiment has hardware emulation and software simulation.- Customers need to have their own PC/laptop and Digital Storage Oscilloscope. ► CE Mark
KR-101 completely places all essential refrigerator components on the front panel of the system. Only when students understand the operation principal of the refrigerator they can connect the components correctly.
The design principle of KR-102 is to train students the refrigerator circuit, system processing, welding copper tube, and other related skills.
Modern mini ice plant system, an ideal solution to understand the different freezing methods(ex: ice transparency) relative to industrial level. (Air compressor is optional and locally prepared)
Due to its lower level of indoor noise and high flexibility of installation, Split Type Air Conditioner becomes more and more popular in nowadays. KR-212 itself is a real split type air conditioner especially designed for teaching purpose. Both indoor and outdoor units are installed on the demonstration stand so students can learn the operating principle...
► KR-351 is a Chilled Water Refrigeration System Control Trainer.► Mounted with commonly-used control components of chilled waterunit on the panel, it helps students to learn complete controlcircuits and to test their own designed circuits.
PLC-100 is a self-contained trainer which consists of a FATEK PLC main unit and commonly used I/O devices for simulation. It provides students with a thorough understanding of the theories and applications of programmable logic controllers. This trainer enables students to learn step by step from the fundamentals of PLC to more advanced controls used in...
PLC-200 is a self-contained trainer which consists of a SIEMENS PLC main unit and commonly used I/O devices for simulation. It offers students excellent theories and wide applications of programmable logic controllers. This trainer enables students to learn step by step from the fundamentals of PLC to more advanced controls used in industry.
PLC-210 is a self-contained trainer which consists of a SIEMENS PLC main unit and commonly used I/O devices for simulation. It offers students excellent theories and wide applications of programmable logic controllers. This trainer enables students to learn step by step from the fundamentals of PLC to more advanced controls used in the industry.
PLC-310 is a self-contained trainer which consists of a MITSUBISHI PLC main unit, I/O devices for simulation and I/O devices that are commonly used. It provides students with a thorough understanding of the theories and applications of programmable logic controllers. This trainer enables students to learn step by step the fundamentals of PLC and more...
The “PS-1000” is launched to offer enriched knowledge from basic air pressure components, advanced air-pressure loop design to PLC-based electrical control system. The trainee can prepare themselves to be a high-level automation engineer with the help of the “PS-1000” trainer system.
The “HS-2000” is launched to offer enriched knowledge from basic oil pressure components, advanced oil-pressure loop design to PLC-based electrical control system. The trainee can prepare themselves to be a high-level automation engineer with the help of the “HS-2000” trainer system.
The Modular Production System stations allow various simulations of real production processes that exist in industrial field. The system is universal, industry-based, modular and flexible for further expansion. Students can learn the entire process of production, such as feeding, processing, etc.
The Modular Production System stations allow various simulations of real production processes that exist in industrial field. The system is universal, industry-based, modular and flexible for further expansion. Students can learn the entire process of production, such as feeding, processing, etc.
MS-7200 contains two independent mechatronics training modules. They are an automatic sorting robot and a linear positioner. These two modules can be controlled by our unit PLC-200 directly or by other PLC systems through its digital input and output ports on the control panel.Each model provides at least ten training courses, beginning from learning the...
MS-7400 provides two independent mechatronics training modules. They are automatic sorting robot and linear positioner. These two modules can be controlled by MS-C100 directly or other microcontrollers through its digital input and output ports on control panel.
MS-7600 contains two independent mechatronics training modules. They are automatic sorting robot and linear positioner. These two modules can be controlled by PLC-310 directly or other PLC systems through its digital input and output ports on control panel.
faya - nugget Creative InnovationNot sure where to start with faya - nugget?With our mini projects, you can build your own Brick interactive device with faya - nugget!
faya - nugget Creative InnovationNot sure where to start with faya - nugget?With our mini projects, you can build your own Brick interactive device with faya - nugget!