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Official Distributor of WALZ - Photosynthesis Instruments for Spain and Portugal
Fluorometers, Portable Photosynthesis Systems, Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Meters, WALZ Chlorophyll Fluorometry Systems, Chlorophyll Fluorometers of diluted samples, WALZ Underwater Fluorometers for Photosynthesis ... See Live Data
Official Distributor of WALZ - Photosynthesis Instruments for Spain and Portugal
Fluorometers, Portable Photosynthesis Systems, Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Meters, WALZ Chlorophyll Fluorometry Systems, Chlorophyll Fluorometers of diluted samples, WALZ Underwater Fluorometers for Photosynthesis ... See Live Data
The suspension cuvette includes a 400 μL stainless steel sample compartment with a PVC exterior.
The WATER-PAM-II is next to PHYTO-PAM-II, the instrument of choice for phytoplankton analysis.It may be used for laboratory cultures as well as natural water samples when very low chlorophyll contents of samples require ultra-sensitive fluorescence detection. WATER-PAM-II is a portable cuvette system for analysing the photosynthetic activity of a wide...
The PAM-CONTROL unit conducts PAM fluorescence measurements independently but it also acts as interface between fluorometer and a Windows computer running the version 2 or 3 of the WinControl software.
The MINI-PAMII/POROMETER is a new leaf-clip for the MINI-PAM-II for combined measurements of stomatal conductance and chlorophyll a fluorescence. It measures water evaporation and stomatal conductance of plant leaves and needles to determine stomatal function, which is strongly influenced by stress factors acting on the plant. ◆ Numerous sensors: humidity...
Outstanding Properties:◆ Measures protection against the particularly harmful UV-B radiation◆ Probes screening at four wavebands: UV-B, UV-A, blue, and green◆ Provides the stress factors chlorophyll content and photosystem II damage
MULTI-COLOR-PAM-II ST-Kinetics and Multi-Wavelength Chlorophyll Fluorometer The MULTI-COLOR-PAM-II is a compact unit that houses two different techniques: ◆ The PAM technique.◆ Single turnover flash kinetics (STK).
◆ Homogeneous illumination of the measured area◆ Image resolution of up to 1,2 MP (2x2 pixel binning)◆ Large variety of possible sample morphologies