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Heinz Walz GmbH has been pioneering gas exchange measuring systems and related products for more than 40 years. Our gas exchange instruments are equipped with high-resolution four-channel CO2/H2O infrared gas analyzers developed specifically for photosynthesis research. The parameters CO2, humidity, temperature and light can be controlled automa...

Heinz Walz GmbH has been pioneering gas exchange measuring systems and related products for more than 40 years. Our gas exchange instruments are equipped with high-resolution four-channel CO2/H2O infrared gas analyzers developed specifically for photosynthesis research. The parameters CO2, humidity, temperature and light can be controlled automatically within the physiological relevant ranges.

Measuring systems for assessing gas-exchange of plants were the first products of the Heinz Walz GmbH. While the first instruments were contained in man-sized boxes and connected to plant chambers with volumes of several liters, the systems have become more and more miniaturized over the years.

The present portable instruments require just a few square centimeters of leaf surface for highly accurate and reliable measurements.

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Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items