24mm opening split-core current sensor that transforms an AC current input 100 to 300 Amps to a 5 Amp output
36mm opening split-core current sensor that transforms
The opening is 62mm X 73mm in diameter.
Voltage Transducer 0-1000 Vdc o/p 4-20mA, 0-1Vdc, 0-5Vdc
El transductor de corriente tiene una apertura de 10mm de diámetro.
Kit Magnelab, Three Phase Transducers Rogowski Coils - RopeCT® with .333 mV AC output.
Rogowski Coil AC-Current Transducer with 0.333 mV o/p Select desired model in options.
The SCT-0750 has a self-locking mechanism and a 0.75" opening.
The following amperages are available: 50A, 100A, 200A and 250A. The opening is 0.75" wide.