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Data loggers Instruments ideal para child gather a lot of data and to document measurements optimally. Security and reliability offered data recorders (also known as data loggers) made of the same, a necessary tool for monitoring and documentation of the measures. The ease of use and multiple possibilities to adjust the Measurement Data Recorder...

Data loggers Instruments ideal para child gather a lot of data and to document measurements optimally. Security and reliability offered data recorders (also known as data loggers) made of the same, a necessary tool for monitoring and documentation of the measures. The ease of use and multiple possibilities to adjust the Measurement Data Recorders any application.

Registradotes types: temperature, humidity, wind speed, solar radiation, and energy consumption, dissolved oxygen, pressure. As both outdoor para para interior. Full temperature, humidity, pressure and CO2 monitoring in new buildings, historic buildings, industrial facilities. Parameters in pharmacies, laboratories, blood banks and areas that require constant monitoring.

 Online registration and monitoring of the temperature and humidity, leaks and smoke in data centers and server rooms. Data loggers, sensors, monitoring systems racks. Low Cost Solution paragraph monitoring, remote access access to the measured values ​​and data collection.

Temperature control during transport of food, flowers , live animals , pharmaceuticals, HACCP. Wireless and data transmission via GPRS communications. Online measurement and alarms, recording and monitoring production processes.

We have the best brands Dataloggers: Onset HoboiButtonDelta-TApogee InstrumentsDelta OhmGrant InstrumensMagnelabAiry TechnologyBANTE InstrumentsComet SystemDelta TiButtonBuck Research InstrumentsCO2 Meter, AlgodueTandDVeris, etc... of data loggers for every need. If you have any doubt contact us , we will be happy to help.

Hobo Data Loggers - Onset Computer Corporation

