Anode supported bi-layers (AEB) are a great starting point for researchers wanting to work on low-temperature cathode materials. The AEB offers a ceria interface for the cathode layer to prevent zirconate formation.Perfect for use with perovskite cathodes. (Minimum quantity: 5 units)
Anode supported bi-layers (AEB) are a great starting point for researchers wanting to work on low temperature cathode materials. The AEB offers a ceria interface for the cathode layer to prevent zirconate formation. Perfect for use with perovskite cathodes. (Minimum quantity: 5 units)
Single electrode button cells use Nexceris’ patent pending high strength, highly conductive HionicTM electrolyte support combined with the NextCellTManode system on one side.This gives researchers a perfect tool for testing anode systems on a very consistent platform. Single electrode button cells come in two standard support sizes, each with a 12.5 mm...