Using Nvis 6578 students can perform experiments of OP-AMP circuits like Inverting amplifier, Non Inverting amplifier, Adder, Subtractor, Differentiator, Integrator, Comparator, etc. Nvis 6578 has on-board Resistors, Capacitors and Potentiometers of different values. Breadboard allows construction of circuits using external components and on-board resources.
Nvis 660, Set of Polarizers is an ideal platform to enhance education, training, skills & development amongs our young minds.
The trainer is helpful to learn, how to avoid accidents, that generally occuring while handling any electric or electronic device. The trainer has been designed for the people who are working in an electrical environment.
Nvis 7001 Three Phase Lab with three phase low voltage power supply, is a three phase supply that provides 18 V of low voltage and is highly safe.
Nvis 7002, Understanding SMPS is an ideal platform to enhance education, vocational training, skills & development amongs our young minds.
Nvis 7003, Experimentation with UPS is an ideal platform to enhance education, vocational training, skills & development amongs our young minds
The product is represented in such an easy way that each test can be studied differently in proper sequence. The Lab practically expertises you in exercises like Polarity, Turns Ratio, Transformation Ratio, Iron Loss, Copper Loss, Efficiency etc. The vast scope of learning makes the subject easily and completely understandable
It is designed to explain the students, how total power is measured in a three phase circuit using only 2 wattmeters. With this product, student can study the power flow in 3 phase system and correspondingly calculate Active, Reactive and Apparent power. Apart from this student can easily understand different three phase parameters like Line Voltage, Line...
It is designed to explain the students, how total power is measured in a three phase circuit using only 2 wattmeters. With this product, student can study the power flow in 3 phase system and correspondingly calculate Active, Reactive and Apparent power. Apart from this student can easily understand different three phase parameters like Line Voltage, Line...
It can be aptly employed for understanding the basic concepts and functioning of DC Motors and Generators. The product provides hands-on experiments like Speed control, Torque-Speed Characteristics, Torque-Current Characteristics, N-I Characteristics etc. Thus it also provides explicit understanding of the subject.
Nvis 7007N DC Shunt Motor Compound Generator Lab is a definitive system for the Electrical Machines Laboratories that provides comprehensive learning of a DC Compound Generator under different loading conditions. The DC Compound Machine is a combination of a Series and Shunt Wound Machine and hence allows the same to have the torque characteristics...
Nvis 7008 DC Machine Lab-II is an important system for the Electrical laboratories. This product provides comprehensive learning of functioning of a DC Motor. It can aptly be employed for per forming various exercises like Motor Star ting, Speed Control, N-I Characteristics etc. Thus the product makes the subject completely understandable.
Nvis 7009 RLC Experimentation with RLC Resonance is very exclusive training system provides complete learning content for both series and parallel resonance.
Nvis 7010 Scott Connection Trainer Laboratoryr is a vital training system for the Electrical Laboratories. It provides comprehensive learning of Three Phase to Two Phase Conversion in a very simple manner. It helps to study and analyze the operation of Teaser Transformer and Main Transformer. Students can per for m stand alone operations and observe the...
Nvis 7011 Laboratory for Sumpner's Test of Two Single Phase Transformer is a very exclusive and important product designed for students of Electrical Engineering to explain the basic concepts of Sumpner's test. With this trainer, students can learn about the significance of conduction of the heat run test with two single phase transformers and...
Nvis 7012 Laboratory for Parallel Operation of Two Single Phase Transformer has been exclusively designed to demonstrate the fundamental concepts of parallel connections of two or more single phase transformers. One can load the transformer more than the rating of the individual transformer to analyze Parallel operation phenomenon.
Separate terminals of windings brought out on a terminal box fitted on top of the motor so that one can connect them separately to the control panel and can per for m experiment correspondingly. All protection circuits are in built. So there is very less chance of fault or danger to user. The varied scope of learning makes the subject easily understandable.
This product includes experiments such as operating characteristic and speed controlling of DC Series Machine. Students can get aware of the methods through which the speed of the DC Series Motor can be controlled. The training system includes terminals for Rheostat and Starters so that these devices can be connected externally to the panel.
It provides complete learning concepts of Single Phase Capacitor Start Induction Motor. Separate terminals have been provided for main winding, starting winding and capacitor so that student can understand the significance of individual windings along with the role of capacitor in the motor in a simple manner.
It is an exclusive product designed to demonstrate the principle of operation and operation of the synchronous three-phase generator. It can change mechanical energy to electrical energy. It helps to analyze and calculate the significant parameters, such as the positive, negative and zero sequence impedance, the direct axis and quadrature reactance, etc....
Synchronous Generators are the primary source of electrical energy. These are used to convert mechanical power derived from (steam, gas, or hydraulic) turbine to ac electric power. The product provides hands-on experiments like Open Circuit Characteristic of Synchronous Generator and study of the relation between field cur rent and armature voltage. All...
This product is equipped with advanced measurement system for AC Parameters and DC Parameters. It has inbuilt Phase Sequence Indicator which is highly stable and accurate. Due to use of big size LCD display it is possible to observe multiple parameters simultaneously. The RISC microcontroller based design provides better resolution and sensitivity as...
Nvis 7019 Laboratory for Three to Six Phase Conversion Trainer is a comprehensive training product used to illustrate the core concepts of Electrical Engineering. User can learn of how Three Phase Supply can be converted into Six Phase with proper phase shift by using three Single Phase Transformers. Separate terminals are provided to analyze Six Phase...
Nvis 7021 Shunt Motor Series Generator Lab is an elite training system for the Electrical laboratories. This product help students to understand basic operations of DC Series Generator. It can aptly be used for performing various experiments like Working of Generator, Analysis of Magnetic Characteristic and also efficiency at any desired load.