Pioneers serving in the field of Electronic Test & Measurement Instruments, Technology Training Equipments, Simulation/Teaching Software and Online Education.
Scientech 2501A TechBook for Optical Fiber Communication demonstrate simplex method of transmitting information from one place to another by sending pulses of light through an Optical fiber. The TechBook demonstrates the properties of Simplex Analog and Digital Transreceiver, characteristics of Fiber Optics cable, Modulation / Demodulation techniques, Bit...
Scientech 2502 TechBook for Optical Fiber Communication demonstrate Full Duplex method of transmitting information from one place to another by sending pulses of light through an Optical fiber the light forms electromagnetic wave that is modulated to carry information.
Scientech 2505 Advance Fiber Optics Lab is designed for understanding WDM technique and Chromatic Dispersion measurement.
Scientech 2506 Laser fiber optic platform model has been designed to conduct studies on Laser diodes, optical fibers and optical communication methods, by transmission either through an optical cable or free space.
Scientech Kits contain all necessary tools, consumables, connectors and cable to demonstrate and practice the process. A neatly written step by step procedure with pictures is provided in the Instruction booklets. These kits for m an important par t of the Fiber Optic Laboratory making students understand how optical fibers are joined and terminated.
Scientech2515 Laboratory for Mode Characteristics in Fiber Optics experimental setup has been designed to study the mode characteristics of different fiber optic cables. The two basic types of fiber, Single Mode and Multi Mode can be characterized by measuring Numerical Aperture and the Normalized Frequency (V number) parameter, which guides modes that...
Scientech 2612A Advanced Analog Circuits Development Platform is designed to fulfill requirement of performing experiments of analog electronics in a single platform. This makes it easy to design, experiment with, and test circuitry without soldering.
Scientech 2651A, Understanding LED Television is an ideal platform to enhance education, vocational training, skills & development amongs our young minds.
Scientech 2651B, Understanding LCD Television is an ideal platform to enhance education, vocational training, skills & development amongs our young minds.
Scientech 2651W Understanding Wi-Fi / Smart LED Television is a friendly training platform to learn the operation of Wi-Fi/Smart LED Television receiver . It is demonstrator cum training system specifically designed for the comprehensive practical study on Wi- Fi/Smart LED TV engineering for the beginners with a basic knowledge of the various electronic...
Scientech 2652 Multimedia Computer Training System provides training on hardware and software theory of a Multimedia Computer based on Dual Core Processor above 2.0 GHz CPU with experiments on Windows 7 Starter/ Home Basic.
Scientech 2657, Understanding Automatic Telephone Exchange / EPABX System is an ideal platform to enhance education, vocational training, skills & development amongs our young minds.
Scientech 2660, Understanding Public Address System is an ideal platform to enhance education, vocational training, skills & development amongs our young minds.
Scientech2661 Laboratory for Stereo FM Radio Trainer is designed to cover the fundamental aspects of the subject.
Scientech2661A TechBook AM / FM Radio Receiverr is a comprehensive learning solution specifically designed to study and understand the working principle and basic operation of both types of superheterodyne radio receivers; AM Radio Receiver and FM Radio Receiver.
Scientech 2662A, Understanding DVD/CD Player is an ideal platform to enhance education, vocational training, skills & development amongs our young minds.
Scientech TechBooks are compact and easy-to-use learning platforms to provide a modern, portable, complete and practical way to learn Technology. Each TechBook is provided with detailed multimedia learning material that covers the basic theory, the step-by-step procedure for conducting the experiment and other useful information.
Scientech 2670, Colour Pattern Generator is an ideal platform to enhance education, vocational training, skills & development amongs our young minds.
Scientech 2700 High Voltage Power Electronics Lab is a compact, ready to use experiment workbench. In this particular workbench there are various applications and experiments of Power Diode and SCR on the workbench with different load configuration.
Scientech2701 is a platform which is very useful for Students to understand the VI characteristics of IGBT.
Scientech 2702 is a platform which is very useful for Students to understand various thyristor firing methods like R, RC half wave, RC full wave.
Scientech2703 is a platform where Students can understand the various thyristor firing technique by using IC 555 and UJT. This is very useful for understanding of pulse generation.
Scientech2704 is a platform which is very useful for Student to understand the thyristor triggering by using monostable multivibrator.
Scientech2705 is a platform which is very useful for Students to understand the low voltage application of the SCR in lamp flashing.